got my Explore M cd (the repackaged one) and gosh, i thought - what happened? Gee, the saucy look just does not suit M, not at all.
His previous solo efforts have always been a little on the edgy, sexy, sort of hip-hop look. Which looks great though honestly, i could not care less. i'm purely interested with his music. (so why comment on it? 'cos it's just difficult to ignore)

but really - plumed hats and too much haute couture really doesn't suit the more macho men of Korea. You may think that i'm exaggerating or worse, discriminating. i'm not, honestly. if you're sort of thin, lean or even near to skinny, the androgynous look is fine. (even then i can remember one of Lee Ki Chan's albums where he wore a curly wig) Ugh! Please la, control those overactive creative juices. Not everybody can pull off a Takuya Kimura or a Hyde, not even a Tetsu.

my point is just keep on playing good music, the frills you need not have if you're that good. i would support good music over good looks anyday. so don't bother to dress up.

(Afterthought: on the way home, i was listening to M. i guess if music is all that counts - i'll be able to look past the no-frills and embrace the too-frilly. And so be it, M.)

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