i spend the entire day cleaning house, which really includes sweeping the floor (having positively refused to do it last weekend) and slowly (operative word here) dusting and polishing the furniture. At times like this, i'm glad we have very little of them.

well, anyway, i'm not a clean freak but i do enjoy the feeling i've achieved something whenever i'm done cleaning up. also, it puts my mind at ease so i don't have to bother about it for a while. as i was dusting and dusting, vacuuming etc, it suddenly occurred to me that it is such an odd subject that Mr Philip Pullman chose to write about. (i've been listening to the Golden Compass audio book with full cast on the car stereo, now at disc 7)

Common, no doubt but dust? i mean, sure his concept about elementary particles and what not is interesting and the consequences thought provoking. In fact, i think by calling it Dust, he made it easier for a whole lot of readers to understand (especially since his audience are often kids). but really, who would want to gather Dust? and the fact that teens get more dusty? that's cos those strawberries don't like soap and water. i, honestly, see nary a point to salivate for dust, but who am i to say? These Dust is powerful and golden! Freaksters will yearn for dust.

oh yes, Lord Asriel and Mrs Coulter can have my dust, anytime. See how different that feels.

on another note, whenever i had insomnia, i'd imagine myself cleaning up this room in my head. it's great to help me relax. Just sweep all your thoughts into those drawers up the inside left ear and open door at the right ear, to let out those troubles. sweep, sweep, sweep and i've got a clear mind, clean brain and a blank conscience.

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