The some-what long-short (long because it was 5 days, short because I hardly had a rest!) Lunar New Year hols has ended, and I'm back to slogging at work again. After a stretch like that, I'm glad I've decided again this year to keep a diary/planner.

Consulting the monthly spread, I realise that there are several things which need my immediate action as well as some serious planning. It will be a busy day, week, month, year - ahead.

Sometime ago, as part of the whole kaboodle of buying gifts for the year end festivities (to put it in other words), I pondered upon buying diaries for friends and family. I wondered like I never did which of them still appreciated a good looking 'paper' calendar/diary/planner. I knew for a fact that my sisters were both quite plugged in - Sky probably used Google or whatnot to keep track of her schedule, being highflying and all that, whereas my lil' sis had her Blackberry. The only thing was - I found the perfect little diary planner for her! So cute! A text later, confirmed that she didn't usually use one - but ... since I really could not resist - I bought it for her anyway, a too-cute Stitch diary which I would say was a nice mass paperback size. ;)

And what about me? Last year gave me many things - a child and an iPad. (hahhahhha) But no matter, how wonderful the electronic tablet is - I would still swear by my handy diary.

My choice this year is the above, irresistable Totoro diary. I have been using the Monthly Pocket Moleskines for a couple of years now, having ditched my planners with refills because they became a little cumbersome and heavy. However, this year I decided to take a breather from my usual black book and went diary shopping. I found a beautiful Yoshitomo Nara diary which I was sure would never make it to our shores, so while I was down south (in Singapore), I headed over to the Kinokuniya there to see if they had it. Sadly, they did not hence I came away with the troll instead.

To say I love using a diary is such an understatement. Buying a nice diary makes the year ahead look bright, shiny and gay. Even if days turn super busy and uncontrollable, when written down, it seems a little more acceptable and less stressful. But that could be only me.

Still, I enjoy the whole process of shopping for the right pen for the diary, and other accessories - ooppps, I mean stationery. If other people kept pets, I guess this is mine.

And did I mention that I never need to wonder what I did last month that caused a missing time slot in my time card, or a planned event I said I'd do but slipped my mine? I only need to consult my Totoro. He doesn't need batteries, just nice stickers and colourful pens.