
I know, i know. This is really old news. Lately, i've been reading about who-who just died. But this author comes as a surprise (to us who have not heard of her until recently, and didn't bother to find out more).

I wanna go out and buy A Swift Pure Cry now. Not many chances to read more of her works. (even tho London Eye Mystery was published posthumously) Ultimately, her books may fall into oblivion, not having had much time to mature and people to create interest about her. I'm so sorry to say it but that's the truth. Then again, when one has passed on, only those who stay behind care about these things. The departed leaves the ordinary and mortal to the living.

Siobhan Dowd, rest in peace http://www.siobhandowd.co.uk/

On another similar subject, Philippa Pearce have passed on quietly. Her final book is only now out: A Finder's Magic. ... And yes, makes me wanna go buy and read Tom's Midnight Garden.

I think it sounds rather too lighthearted, this post. But i don't mean it to be. It's only the realisation that when an author dies, their family mourns. So do the readers who have loved their books. So do the booksellers. We mourn the departed, the books that never get written and perhaps the readers who will never have a chance to read this author's works.

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