i'm back on the ground.

Six days, five nights in Seoul and what do you get? this will probably take days to eke out, only due to the fact that i had a great and interesting experience, half the time wondering if there is any basis to the dreamlike feeling i had all the time.

Lizzie texted me and asked how it was? My answer: Korea is a country you need to experience because we are too much exposed to Chinese and Japanese stuff, we tend to overlook this other culture which may or may not blend into the He 和 (Japanese) or the Hua 華 (Chinese). Interlinked so many centuries, yet due to their isolation and occupation, it is only now that Korea has opened its doors.

It was nice. I loved it (to Jay who went with me, kumawo). And i leave with a bittersweet notion that i have but only skimmed the surface of what Korea is; and the knowledge that i will wish to go back again and again.

Nearly a week home and i've started to re-watch Goong, reminiscing over the places we went. So, i want to share the introduction tune to the drama, as it somehow represents my feelings ...

Ahn-yong (but this is not the end of my Korean sojourn)

Goong (Instrumental) - I find this song very happy, a hybrid of sorts because it sounds like a traditional folk song but isn't. It's a short song but this is a short post.

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