i realised that i forgot to put this in. About the 'Go Green' thing.

Recently, Penny Tai has announced that she's not releasing any albums this year, or rather any CDs. Her latest pain-to-the-ears, called Blow the Whistle (Cui Bi-bi) will only be available online and you can pay to own your own copy. So i thought, why ah? Cost of producing an entire album, in CD is expensive? Maybe. Trying to be environmental-friendly? Because imagine you print 5,000 pieces and the terrible pirates print double, then there is 15,000 of your CDs, of which people like Lil' Eri will buy the pirate at say 10 a pop. She'll nicely stick it elsewhere and promptly forget about it. Thus creating unwanted, forgotten waste. Then, this makes digitally downloadable music much more green, ya? But where does all this data hang out at? What is the virtual world but metal, plastic and electricity ... servers somewhere. And more and more servers and other hardware to keep the software. Still, it is a little more eco-friendly, i guess to keep MP3s or music virtually.

But... on the question of books, though... an electronic book versus a paper one?

Music is different because cassettes and CDs will end up being waste that cannot be broken down easily. Poison to Mother Earth.

Books, which means less trees however does not necessary equal to poisoning of the same earth that will grow more trees. i'm making this sound so complicated.

Imagine this - electronic books made of plastic or metal components, and servers that house the digital books can end up in the garbage as unrecyclable, or needs special means to safely dispose. Which ultimately could mean it'll poison the land.

Then imagine this - books are made from trees which we are unendingly cutting down and may not be planting back as fast. When we trash books (for goodness sake, donate them or give them away before you do that!), they may be recycled as another book or paper something else. Now trees will be harder to grow on 'poisoned' land. But you might still be able to write on recycled books.

MP3s, not too evil.
E-Books ... not too great, you see.

I guess you can see that i much prefer the solidity of books, the feel of paper between my fingers, the woody, heady whiff of ink and forests. So help me ....

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