when you travel for work, then come home and work work work. Plus, if you're a bit off colour. It's hard to maintain a blog.

Anyway, Thailand this time round was better than the last. I have a few revelations, coming out from this trip. (Which i'm going to write about another time, perhaps after i file my report) Still, a little food for thought - each country in South East Asia, perhaps entire Asia are demographically unique - so how do you sell books, English ones here? Think about it. Who reads them???

Share with you a pix for the nice, nice, nice people in Bangkok. I think it's their culture - they are naturally nice folk. Us, we're another species altogether. (But i like being me!)

Tsumetaku Shinaide - Miwa Yoshida. Don't know what the title means, but i think this song is simply too cool. I bought the album (Beauty & Harmony Vol 1) in my first trip to Bangkok, long time ago. She released her second solo a few year back. In case you don't know, Miwa is the voice of DCT (Dreams Come True) Thought it will be a nice song to share, thinking about Thailand.